Every individual and business has a story to tell, and learning how to use written words to share that message can have a huge impact on the success of that brand – writing is the life wire of public relations.
The role of PR is to ensure that the desired message positively reaches your target audience; from using social media channels, to writing press releases, they all require specific styles of writing – writing is the life wire of public relations.
With the advent of this social media age, there is a common misconception that writing is no longer important as everyone can easily put out their thoughts and beliefs without restriction – but that is simply untrue. In fact, with social media means there are more learning styles to perfect. Press releases, blog posts, social media content, newsletters, and award entries all need to be written with a different audience in mind – writing is the life wire of public relations.
A brand can be made, marred, or misconstrued based on the message(s) contained in a write-up. Therefore, conveying PR messages concisely, correctly, and accurately is pivotal to the success of a brand. – writing is the life wire of public relations.
Show me a brand with insipid, ponderous writing and I will show you a smudged brand – writing is the life wire of public relations.
Written by: Abereoje, Tolulope.