Ego Boyo, a highly respected actress, producer, and philanthropist, has been featured in the prestigious Vogue UK magazine as a Force for Change. This recognition comes on the heels of her nomination by celebrated author and feminist icon, Ngozi Chimamanda Adichie.

Ego Boyo’s tireless efforts to drive positive change in her community and beyond have earned her this well-deserved recognition. Her dedication to empowering women and girls, as well as her advocacy for social justice and equality, have made a significant impact on the lives of many.

Speaking about the feature “I am deeply honoured and humbled to be recognised as one of British Vogue’s ‘Forces for Change,’ nominated by the remarkable Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. As we continue to navigate and influence the ever-changing landscape of our world, I am reminded of the power of storytelling, advocacy, and quiet perseverance. My journey has been long, but each step has been meaningful and purposeful. This recognition fuels my commitment to contribute positively to the narratives we create, especially for future generations. My deepest thanks to Vogue and dearest Chimamanda for this acknowledgement”.

Ego Boyo’s feature in Vogue UK highlights her remarkable achievements and commitment to creating lasting change. Her work continues to inspire and uplift, cementing her status as a true force for change.

Written by: Joshua